Details for this torrent 

Akumajo Dracula X: Chi no Rondo + DAEMON Tools + Magic Engine
Games > Other
312.69 MB

+0 / -0 (0)

Mar 18, 2008

==<<::::   A k u m a j o   D r a c u l a   X:   C h i   n o   R o n d o   ::::>>==

                !!!!!!!!!!!!THE ULTIMATE CASTLEVANIA!!!!!!!!!!!! 

                               For the PC Engine. 

What's included is the emulator (Magic Engine; already activated) and disc software (Daemon Tools).

Software included especially for those lazy people who don't want the extra hassle of looking for needed software or for those who are too dumb and don't know what google is for! 

Just kidding :). Enjoy and seed!


I've noticed that there has been a lot of leeching with this. Don't be an asshole and just take; you should at least give some back.

I am not going to seed it forever, so if you want to keep it alive, then seed the fucking thing. Sharing is caring...

...or so I thought.
Could someone seed please?

I'll keep sharing for a long time if once I download.
I had this going, but there were just a whole bunch of leechers. If you (or anyone else) is interested, I can post another one up and post the link. Leave comment if interested.
I'd appreciate a seed or a link. Is this in ISO format, by the way?
No, Bin and cue. Use this to burn:
I couldn't find the shit on my computer, but I'll upload another and post the link.
Here's the link to the other one: